7 Valuable Techniques You'll Learn At A Certified Dog Trainer School

17 May 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a passion for dogs and want to turn that passion into a career, attending a certified dog trainer school may be just what you need. This article will delve deeper into the world of training techniques you can expect to learn at a certified dog trainer school. 

1. Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a widely recognized and highly effective training method that rewards desired behaviors rather than punishing undesirable ones. In a certified dog trainer school, you will gain a thorough understanding of positive reinforcement techniques and how to apply them to shape and reinforce desired behaviors. You will learn to use rewards such as treats, praise, and play to motivate and encourage dogs, creating a positive learning environment.

2. Clicker Training

You'll learn how to use a clicker to mark desired behaviors. The clicker training technique assists dogs in rapidly connecting the clicker's sound with positive reinforcement. This association makes the clicker a potent tool for accurate timing and effective communication during training sessions.

3. Target Training

Target training involves teaching dogs to touch or interact with a specific target, such as a hand, a target stick, or a mat. This technique can be used for various purposes, including teaching dogs to come when called, stay in a specific position, or navigate obstacle courses. A certified dog trainer school will provide you with hands-on experience in target training and guide you on incorporating this technique into your training toolbox.

4. Behavior Shaping

Behavior shaping is a technique that breaks down complex behaviors into smaller, manageable steps. Dogs learn to perform complex actions through a systematic process of reinforcing successive approximations of the desired behavior. For example, when teaching a dog to roll over, you would reward and support incremental movements, such as lying down, then shifting onto their side, until they eventually perform the full roll-over motion.

5. Desensitization Training

Many dogs experience fear or anxiety in response to certain stimuli or situations. Desensitization and counterconditioning are powerful techniques used to help dogs overcome fear and anxiety by gradually exposing them to these triggers in a controlled and positive manner. 

6. Impulse Control

Impulse control is essential to dog training, as it teaches dogs to make better choices and exhibit self-control in various situations. A certified dog trainer school will introduce you to techniques that promote impulse control, such as teaching dogs to wait before entering or exiting doors, remain calm during meal times, or resist the urge to chase distractions. 

7. Leash Training and Loose Leash Walking

Leash training is a fundamental skill for any dog, and a certified dog trainer school will provide comprehensive instruction on teaching dogs to walk politely on a leash. You will learn techniques to discourage pulling, promote loose leash walking, and address common leash-related challenges. These skills will make walks enjoyable for both dogs and their owners.

Contact a local certified dog trainer school to learn more. 
